Saturday 28 February 2009

Friday 27 February 2009

Laughing and Tweeting

I went to Hampshire's fabulous Winning Women Networking Group last night for a laughter session... and boy did we laugh.

The site of 30 of Hampshire's finest business women, lying on the floor with tears streaming down their faces as they laughed and laughed is a sight I will not forget in a hurry!!

We ended our laughter session on a more serious note though, discussing the rise of Social Networking Websites and Social Media Optimisation or SMO as the technocrats call it!

In plain English, this refers to websites which I'm sure you've all heard of such as Facebook, Ecademy and Twitter. You may already have a Facebook account to keep in touch with friends and family...but have you considered the potential for your business?

Recently I've been coaching some of my clients on how to use these sites and helping them to set up their on-line profiles. After our conversations last night I decided to offer this opportunity to all of you. So if you want to give it a go and see what these sites can do for your business give me a call and we can discuss how YOU can use them to grow your business quickly and easily. I offer all aspects of advice and support in getting started, getting your message across and winning business.

Last month I sent some of you an invitation for a one-to-one phone session with me to get you started on social networking sites....I've had a great response so far and I wanted to make you a very special offer...Anyone who signs up for a one-to-one Tele-session before 14th March can SAVE 25% on any or all of my Sessions.

Remember these are one-to-one Sessions so you will get my undivided support and attention for an hour and start getting your business noticed online.

Call me on 023 9229 3113 or e-mail quoting WW25%

Thursday 12 February 2009

Brand New Tele Class Series

Exclusive one to one teleclasses: Please click here to find out more -
Link to teleclasses

Love is in the air and in the dates!!

I have finally become an Aunty this week! Twice!! 

After years of me and my husband being the only parents in our huge clan TWO of my gorgeous sister in laws have given birth within days of each other! One on them shares her birthday with her brother (my husband) and now has a daughter who shares a birthday with our son, which get this... is the same day as their dad's birthday!! What are the chances? 

Does any one else have a crazy dates story to share?

Anyway as we welcome Cara and Isobel into our family it reminded me how important, pure and simple love is and how important it is to be grateful for those around us who love us. So as next time we are feeling stressed about work or money or anything else, let's stop and remind ourselves how lucky we are and on Valentine's Day let's not just think about our partners but all of our Friends and Family as well. 

That said I'm off to buy my Grandma a Valentine's Card!

Thursday 5 February 2009

Twitter Twitter Twitter

I am loving twitter and loving yoono even more, this gives me access to facebook and twitter on the left of my screen while I work.

It' s great for keeping in touch with others, while working from home can be a little lonely at times it's great to know there are others out there doing the same. I am not easily distracted so am able to use it in my tea breaks but i would suggest not using it if you are easily distracted. I suspect it's not doing my google ratings any harm either!

Join me on Twitter