Sunday 17 May 2009

I love this blog,
the pictures alone are enough to inspire me to think about food and drink and the fact Bec's seems to do this out of sheer pleasure is very inspiring in itself!

 "Do what you love and love what you do"
 that's what I say!!

Friday 15 May 2009

The Perfect Pitch

I was lucky enough be invited to give a workshop at Southsea's newest networking group last week. We had a great meeting and I just wanted to share my top tips with you!

Here is what one of the participants said about the session

"It made me realise how much I need to focus on what my business really is about, and how to get this across to people"

Which captures your interest?

Hi, I'm Mike and I can save you money or
Hi I'm Mike and I'm an accountant

10 Top Tips

1. Short and Memorable
2. Get people interested in YOU
3. No Job titles or Jargon
4. Get them to ask you about it – make them want to say HOW as soon as you finish
5. Avoid things which they might have preconceived ideas about – consultant, accountant etc
6. Paint a memorable picture which includes them
7. Find common ground, or something they can relate to
8. Sell them the benefit to them rather than the features of your product or service
9. BELIEVE it or it just won’t work
10. Head up shoulders back, breathe and SMILE!

Good luck and call me if you need a hand!