Saturday 2 January 2010

User experience - make it easy for them

I was just reading one of my colleagues blogs when I realised that there was no easy way back to her (excellent) website.

I had been blogging about customer experience earlier today on my other blog and it's just these little details that can make or break your customer's experience.

So it is worth noting that although Blogger Blogs are free and a useful addition to your website, simply pressing the back arrow won't take you back to the website you came from.

My way round this is to always ensure that on the top of your right hand column there is a link back to your website. I have this on all my blogs and make sure that I set it up for all my clients too. It makes for a very simple and intuitive link back to your website for your user and will enhance their user experience.

To do this you simply need to choose the Layouts option then add a link at the top of your right hand column then follow the instructions adding the url e.g http://addressof and then what you want it to appear as e.g "Back to my website"

I hope this is helpful, don't be afraid to get in touch and ask any other questions about website optimisation, marketing or PR, I am always happy to help.

Rachel x

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